Monday, November 16, 2009

Rudy Giuliani praises 2006 Terror trial; Now against KSM Trial in New York

One thing that irks me to the bone is Politicians who are able to change their stance in the blink of an eye. Case in point, Rudy Giuliani.

In the 2006 trial of 20th Hijacker Moussaoui, Rudy said:

"At the same time, I was in awe of our system," the former mayor continued. "It does demonstrate that we can give people a fair trial, that we are exactly what we say we are. We are a nation of law. . . . I think he's going to be a symbol of American justice."
But now, in the age of where no Republican can be for whatever Obama is for, Rudy has done a 180 and now says in an interview with Fox News that he is against a United States Trial for KSM. See below:

Wallace:I want to take you back to what you said after the prosecution of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers. You said this, “I think it shows you put terrorism on one side, you put our legal system on the other, and our legal system comes out ahead.”

And after the 2006 trial of the so-called 20th hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui, you said, “It shows that we can give people a fair trial, that we are exactly what we say we are. We are a nation of war (sic).” Respectfully, Mayor, you supported civilian trials for terrorists then.

GIULIANI: And if there’s no other alternative, I support civilian trials for terrorists. The reality is there is another alternative here. And this administration has created tribunals. At least five, possibly more, terrorists are going to be tried in those tribunals.

If there was no other choice, again, Chris, I support this. If there was no other choice and they had to be tried in New York, of course they should be tried in New York. But the reality is there is another choice. It is a better choice for the government. This choice of New York is a better choice for the terrorists. Why would you seek to give the terrorists a better choice than you’re giving the -- than you’re giving the public?
Jack Reed came out later and refuted Giuliani's statements as idiotic at best:
REED: Well, as you pointed out, in 2006, Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, under the Bush administration was tried in a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. Mayor Giuliani was one who testified in the penalty phase and he, as you indicated, claimed this was a symbol of American justice, as he said in 1993.

But this was not 1993. This was 2006. The alternative existed for a military tribunal then. The Bush administration decided to make the case in federal court. They succeeded. A hundred and ninety or so terrorists have been convicted in federal courts, only a handful -- less than 10 -- in tribunals.

There are 200 individuals serving time in federal facilities now for their terrorist crimes. So what was a statesmanlike decision by the Bush administration can’t be a political decision by this administration.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sean Hannity admits doctoring Protest footage

And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Fox's tricky editing techniques.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Obama "WAR" on Christmas

The following email/bullshit made its way to my inbox this morning:

White House will not do Christmas

Thought you might be interested in this information from the White House. This isn’t a rumor; this is a fact.

We have a friend at church who is a very talented artist. For several years she, among many others, has painted ornaments to be hung on the various White House Christmas trees. The WH usually sends out an invitation to send an ornament and informs the artists of the theme for the year.

She got her letter from the WH recently. It said that they would not be called Christmas trees this year. They will be called Holiday trees. And, to please not send any ornaments painted with a religious theme.

Like an educated person, I don't take these things at face value. So I looked into it and found that the "War" on Christmas this year, is complete bullshit and is just meant to hype up the base.'s "Truth-O-Meter" gives this rumor a rating of "Pants on Fire," meaning that this "friend at church" is a Liar, Liar. contacted White House Spokesperson Kate Bedingfield who denied any such letter or name change to the White House Christmas Tree:

"'There is no truth to this, and the letter referenced in the e-mail does not exist,' [Kate Bedingfield] said. 'No letter has gone out yet from the White House pertaining to Christmas tree ornaments.' She added, 'The trees in the White House will be called Christmas trees, and the tree on the Ellipse will be called the National Christmas Tree. There will be no name changes.'"

Friday, November 6, 2009

Conservative Wing Nut claims Fort Hood Shooter advised Obama

This guy is bat shit crazy.

Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily recently released an article stating that the Fort Hood shooter Maj. Malik Hasan had advised President Obama during his transition to power.

This, of course, is nothing short of a lie.

Corsi's sole piece of evidence for this is a document from May 19, 2009 by the GWU Homeland Security Policy Institute. In this document, Hasan is listed on Page a "Task Force Event Participant".

He was one of hundreds listed as "participant" and apparently did not do much participating. He sat in the audience. It's kind of like little league, everyone gets a trophy.

Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

GOP members liken Holocaust to Health Care reform

Need proof?

In Case you cant see:

Keep in mind that this wasn't some Glenn Beck-organized 9/12 stunt. This was an event staged by the House Republican leadership -- actual elected officials, members of the U.S. government.
Other Republican members of Congress were on stage, too: Minority Leader John Boehner (OH), Minority Whip Eric Cantor (VA), Roy Blunt (MO), Jeb Hensarling (TX), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), Michele Bachmann (MN) -- who was a key organizer of the event -- Virginia Foxx (NC), Ginny Brown-Waite (FL), Jean Schmidt (OH), Sue Myrick (NC), and many more.

If Republicans wonder why most Americans view them as part of the fringe extreme, they need not look beyond this event. While Democrats were touting the endorsement of AARP, Michele Bachmann and the House leadership were rallying amidst signs like this, shoulder to shoulder with 2,000 teabaggers.

Swipe from Kos.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rep. Joe "YOU LIE!" Wilson blames Obama Admin. for lack of H1N1 Vaccines, while voting AGAINST its funding.

In another chapter of "Are you F'N kidding me", Rep. Joe Wilson came out against the Obama Administration for the diminishing numbers of H1N1 vaccines saying:

"The current administration is solely responsible. They can't blame this on any prior administration," said Wilson. "This is the responsibility of the current administration. They've put the lives of Americans at risk."

Hypocrisy at its finest...why you ask? All I have to do is point to a June vote where Rep. Wilson voted AGAINST a spending appropriations bill that contained an amendment to fund H1N1 vaccines.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Sen. Vitter turns his back and walks away from Rape Victim.

These people are disgusting.

Sen. Vitter was confronted by a rape victim for his vote against the Franken amendment that stripped Federal money from companies who silenced victims of rape who worked for them.

WOMAN: It meant everything to me that I was able to put the person who attacked me [behind bars]. And what allowed me to do that was our judicial process. I showed up in court every day to make sure that happen

VITTER: And I'm absolutely supportive of any case like that being prosecuted criminally to the full extent of the law.

WOMAN: But there are rape victims who are being kept silent.

WOMAN: But how can you support [a law] that tells a rape victim that she does not have the right to defend herself?
Story continues below

VITTER: Ma'am The language in question did not say that in any way shape or form.

WOMAN: But it is unconstitutional to have a law that says a woman does not have a right to defend herself.

VITTER: You realize Mr. Obama was against that amendment that his administration was against that amendment

WOMAN: But I'm not asking Obama. I'm asking you.

VITTER: Do you think he's in favor in rape?

WOMAN: I'm asking you Senator. What if it was your daughter who was raped? Would you tell her to be quiet and take it? Would you tell your daughter to be silent

Vitter's excuse here doesn't exactly hold water. While the Obama Defense Department raised concerns about the reach of the Franken amendment, the White House itself said it supported "the intent" and was working to make sure it was "enforceable."